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The workshop consists of six separate modules which are meant to be followed in order. Each module has a specific focus. The goal of this workshop is help its participants to get familiar with basic concepts and tools for using R for data analysis tasks and research projects.

Read the below to get an overview of each module. Also, click the “SEE MORE” button and follow the links to check out the relevant workshop materials. Enjoy!

Module 1: Introduction to R

In this module, workshop participants will be introduced to the programmatic approach to research. Then they will learn what the R language is as well as the benefits of using R for their research projects. They will also be introduced to the R Studio IDE. An overview of the entire workshop curriculum is provided at the end of the module.

Module 2: R basics

Workshop participants will learn the basic building blocks of R language. Once participants gain some knowledge in the fundamental topics, they will be introduced to the popular tidyverse framework and provided with a recommendation as to a “good” style for coding in R.

Part 1: Fundamentals of R programming

Part 2: Gearing up for data analysis

Module 3: Data analysis with R

This module focuses on manimuplating and transforming tabular data using R. Workshop participants will learn how to import data into R environment and use the popular “tidyverse” syntax to clean and analyze data. Specifically, key functions in dplyr, tidyr, stringr, and lubridate packages will be covered.

Part 1: Getting started with tidyverse

Part 2: More on data analysis

Module 4: Data visualiation with R

In this module, workshop participants will get started with generating plots to visually present and communicate insights from data. The main focus of this module is the popular ggplot2 package for data visualization. Participants will also be introduced to some options for generating maps and interactive plots.

Part 1: The Grammar of Graphics

Part 2: Maps and interactive plots

Module 5: Statistical modeling with R

In this module, workshop participants will learn how to conduct basic statistical analysis with R, including Student’s t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), basic linear regression model, and generalized linear models. Participants will also be provided with resources for more advanced statistical modeling.

Part 1: Basics of statistical modeling

Part 2: Options for advanced modeling

Module 6: “To Infinity and Beyond”

This module will introduce workshop participants to various ways to share their work by using R Markdown, R Presentation, and Shiny. Participants will also learn how to leverage the power of the Internet to facilitate search for answers to specific questions.

Part 1: Sharing your work

Part 2: Leveraging online resources